The Board of Directors has reviewed and made changes to Placid Bay Civic Association’s voluntary membership. At the Annual Membership Meeting on 5/4/2024 members voted to change membership fees to a fiscal year 5/1 through 4/30 basis to coincide with our financial records. This means that calendar year 2024 memberships will be valid through 4/30/2025. Any memberships made after 1/1/2025 will be considered payment for fiscal year 2026 (5/1/2025 through 4/30/2026).
While membership in the PBCA is voluntary, the fees that we collect are used to keep up with maintenance and improvements of our community, including common areas of Placid Bay Estates such as the Event Venue, Dams, Docks and Boat Ramp. To help offset rising maintenance costs, the PBCA is increasing the BOAT RAMP KEY fee from $15 to $75. We are also instituting a choice between an INDIVIDUAL membership option or a FAMILY membership. This will allow families and individuals to receive up to 50% discounts on admission to PBCA-sponsored events, and a discount on rental of the Event Venue. Following are the current rates:
$25.00 individual membership
$50.00 family membership
$75.00 per key for one year for key access to the boat launch area (must also be member)
Membership can be paid in a variety of ways, including: (1) online on this website under the menu for “membership”; (2) packages can be obtained at Halls Supermarket on Route 205; or (3) you can apply for membership at any monthly meeting of the Board of Directors.
We are grateful to all of the volunteers and retail sponsors who save us time and expenses to continue our service to the Placid Bay Estates community!