Author Archives: Karen Roberts



While the gravel roads in Placid Bay Estates have always been an issue, in the past two years–after more than 200 homes were built in Placid Bay–the gravel roads have taken a severe beating. In the past few months, the Placid Bay Civic Association (PBCA) Board of Directors has been meeting with Westmoreland County to review revenue funding for the Sanitary District. After the most recent meeting, James Taylor, the Westmoreland County Administrator, and Woody Hynson, our County Representative, toured the roads throughout Placid Bay Estates and were also disappointed with the condition of our gravel roads.

The PBCA Board is currently working on the Sanitary District budget to present to Westmoreland County. We encourage anyone interested in helping us work on the project to join the Roads Committee. We are conducting a Sanitary District Budget working session on Friday, February 21 at 5:00 p.m. at the Event Venue (67 Mattox Avenue). As a Board working session anyone may attend for observational purposes only. We also encourage Placid Bay residents to keep up to date on PBCA business by attending our monthly Board of Directors meetings on the first Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Event Venue (67 Mattox Avenue).

For any inquiries or concerns related to Placid Bay’s gravel roads or dams, send an email to the PBCA at and we will investigate and request the County to authorize funding of the repairs based on the funding available in the Placid Bay Sanitary District account.

For those of you who are not quite familiar with the Sanitary District and how Westmoreland County works to service our roads, please continue to review update postings and the ROADS link on this Website, and follow us on Facebook at

Thank you for your continued support and understanding as the Placid Bay Civic Association works to improve Placid Bay Estate’s infrastructure.



The Placid Bay Estates (PBE) Roads and Dam Sanitary Districts were set up by an act of the Virginia Legislation and the County in 1997 for the PBE roads and in 2012 for the dams. Funding for gravel roads maintenance is based on a percentage of your property value, and funding for the dams is based on a flat fee. Currently the Dam Sanitary District funds the rebuilding of the dams on Mattox Avenue and Short Way.

Annually the Placid Bay Civic Association (PBCE) Board of Directors drafts a budget for presentation to the County for specific projects on PBE roads and dams.

The PBCA Board is currently advocating for a wide range of community maintenance activities and projects including, but not limited to:

  • Determining maintenance needs, developing action plans, and ensuring the efficient and quality work of contractors.
  • Inspecting and monitoring the dams.
  • Responding to requests and concerns and keeping residents and County officials informed of current operations.
  • Monitoring roads and scheduling required repairs after inclement weather events.
  • Prioritizing and developing projects for road improvements, such as widening and drainage upgrades in preparation for eventual paving projects. And, identifying potential VDOT Revenue sharing projects and administering such projects when State funds are available.
  • Working with the VDOT and the Sanitary District for evaluation of drainage easements required for road improvements.

For any inquiries or concerns on the PBE gravel road or dams, send an email to the Placid Bay Civic Association at and we will investigate and request the County to authorize the funding of the repairs based on the funding available in PBE’s Sanitary District account.

Thank you for your continued support and understanding as the Placid Bay Civic Association works to improve Placid Bay Estate’s infrastructure.

Bird Flu Update

Copied From Colonial Beach Wildlife Facebook Page posted January 29,2025 at 10:33 AM

We received a call today from our biologist at DWR with confirmation that the avian flu test taken of the Canada Goose picked up on Berkeley Beach was positive.

Please continue to be mindful of symptoms including: Appearing disoriented, walking or swimming in circles, head bobbing or circling, nasal discharge, cloudy eyes, seizures, lethargy. They do not have to have all these symptoms.

But, if you see a bird acting odd and you are not sure, please feel free to text a video or photo to Tidewater Wildlife Rescue at 757-255-8710, or to me directly at 631-379-2025, or you can call the DWR hotline at (804) 367-1000. If taking a photo or video, please keep your distance.

We are seeing most cases in waterfowl and those who eat them (ie bald eagles, vultures, owls). But as reported in the news, the virus has mutated and there have been cases in mammals. Cats are especially susceptible to more severe symptoms.

The good news is that we are happy to say that we have not seen any suspected cases in Colonial Beach since the goose, but remain vigilant. As soon as we identified the symptoms, we safely contained and isolated the bird using all precautions, removing him from the beach. We ask that the general public not go near or handle any suspected bird.

There continues to be more cases popping up throughout Virginia.

We worked with our friends at Tidewater Wildlife Rescue, the DWR and the Virginia Dept of Health regarding concerns for proper identification, handling, etc. DWR is writing up a press release addressing all, to include proper protocol. We will share that as soon as we get it.


SO, FAR, 2025 HAS BEEN SOUP-ER. Sorry for those who missed the SOUP-A-BOWL party, as a fun time was had by all! Keep following the PBCA here to learn what we’re planning next for our Placid Bay families and friends!



The Board of Directors has reviewed and made changes to Placid Bay Civic Association’s voluntary membership. At the Annual Membership Meeting on 5/4/2024 members voted to change membership fees to a fiscal year 5/1 through 4/30 basis to coincide with our financial records. This means that calendar year 2024 memberships will be valid through 4/30/2025.  Any memberships made after 1/1/2025 will be considered payment for fiscal year 2026 (5/1/2025 through 4/30/2026).

While membership in the PBCA is voluntary, the fees that we collect are used to keep up with maintenance and improvements of our community, including common areas of Placid Bay Estates such as the Event Venue, Dams, Docks and Boat Ramp. To help offset rising maintenance costs, the PBCA is increasing the BOAT RAMP KEY fee from $15 to $75.  We are also instituting a choice between an INDIVIDUAL membership option or a FAMILY membership. This will allow families and individuals to receive up to 50% discounts on admission to PBCA-sponsored events, and a discount on rental of the Event Venue. Following are the current rates:

$25.00 individual membership

$50.00 family membership

$75.00 per key for one year for key access to the boat launch area (must also be member)

Membership can be paid in a variety of ways, including: (1) online on this website under the menu for “membership”; (2) packages can be obtained at Halls Supermarket on Route 205; or (3) you can apply for membership at any monthly meeting of the Board of Directors.

We are grateful to all of the volunteers and retail sponsors who save us time and expenses to continue our service to the Placid Bay Estates community!


Snuggle up, keep warm and read a good book! Plenty of books in our Little Free Library—“Bay Books”—at the Placid Bay Event Venue (67 Mattox Avenue) under the pavilion. And check out the other Little Free Library—“The Read Seahorse”—just down the street from the Venue on Seahorse Drive. Libraries are currently filled with free books for all ages and various genres and we’ve plenty still yet to add! Just waiting for more room in each!!!