
27 truck loads (578.59 tons) of C26 Crusher Run delivered between 9/18/2013 and 11/5/2013

Total Spent = $9,517.81

$ spent /mile = $8,574.60

$73.78/lot;  $190.36/house


August 2013 Lakeview Photos

Lakeview was impassible near the intersection with Laurel, had bad rutting in the section just past Hickory and significant potholes along the whole length.

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January 2014 Lakeview Photos

The majority of the work on Lakeview occurred on the stretch of Lakeview near Laurel and the portion before and after the intersection with Hickory.  Those areas needed significant ditch work and road reshaping in addition to gravel.  The remainder of Lakeview had potholes filled and a thin coat of gravel put down.

[easy2mapimg id=4]

October/November 2015 Lakeview Photos

Potholes resembling craters cover much of Lakeview between Clover and Meadowview.  The whole road has been graded and the area between Clover and Meadowview will be receiving gravel and additional grading.